The RGB color code is an additive model of Red, Green and Blue. Each is indicated on a scale from 0 (no pigment) to 255 (saturation of this pigment). “Devonian (203/140/205)” indicates a mixture of 203 Red, 140 Green and 205 Blue. The conversion from the reference CMYK values to the RGB codes utilizes Adobe® Illustrator® CS3’s color function of “Emulate Adobe® Illustrator® 6.0” (menu Edit / Color Settings / Settings).
ATTENTION: For color conversions using a program other than Adobe® Illustrator®, it is
necessary to conserve the reference CMYK, even if the resulting RGB values are slightly different.
ATTENTION: For color conversions using a program other than Adobe® Illustrator®, it is
necessary to conserve the reference CMYK, even if the resulting RGB values are slightly different.
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