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Organizers and objectives 
The Laboratory of Geodynamic and Variscan Geosciences (Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Chouaïb Doukkali University) of El Jadida has the most important collection of Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic continental trace fossils in North Africa. More than six hundred unique specimens of Westphalian to Late Triassic age were collected in Moroccan continental deposits during the last years. This is an ideal frame for such a meeting and the resultsmay significantly contribute to the understanding of the evolution of fossil ecosystems during an important part of life's history including the origin and early diversification of amniotes, the rise of archosaurs and dinosaurs, as well as the most severe mass extinction at the Permian-Triassic boundary. In this context, the Ichnological Association of Morocco and Laboratory of Geodynamic and Variscan Geosciences, in collaboration with the Urweltmuseum GEOSKOP (Thallichtenberg, Germany) and the Institute of Geology (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany), the SAURIERWELT Paläontologisches Museum (Neumarkt, Germany) with the assistance of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, “Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy”, will organize the “First International Congress on Continental Ichnology” [ICCI]. The [ICCI] will be devoted to ichnology and biostratigraphy from a global perspective and originates from activities in the "Non-Marine - Marine Correlation Working Group". It will be also a major meeting of ichnologists and palaeontologists. The congress will focus on ichnology and ichnotaxonomy of continental vertebrate and invertebrate ichnofossils. The main objective of the congress is to discuss current problems and future perspectives of ichnotaxonomy of vertebrate and invertebrate ichnofossils from continental deposits as well as biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic aspects of trace fossils and their potential producers.

1. Vertebrate and invertebrate ichnology of continental deposits 
a) Palaeobiology and ichnotaxonomy of trace fossils.
b) Taphonomy of trace fossils and microbially induced sedimentary structures. 
b) Trace fossils in palaeoenvironmental, paleobiogeographical and biostratigraphical analyses.
c) Trackmaker reconstruction and the evolutionary contributions of invertebrate and vertebrate ichnology.

2. Methods, applications, conservation
a) Ichnology of ecosystem engineers in the geologic record.
b) Photogrammetry and 3D modelling in ichnology.
c) Palaeoichnological heritage : Geoconservation and valorisation.

General Congress Program 
Registration and Reception : April 20, 2015
Scientific Sessions : April 21-23, 2015
Mid-Congress City Tour : April 23, 2015
Post-Congress Field-Excursion : April 24-27, 2015

Organizing Committee
Hafid Saber (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco, Chairman of the Congress)
Sebastian Voigt (Urweltmuseum GEOSKOP, Thallichtenberg, Germany, Co-Chairman of the Congress)
Jörg W. Schneider (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, Co-Chairman of the Congress)
Abdellatif Jouhari (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Abdelouahed Lagnaoui (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Abouchouaïb Belahmira (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Hendrik Klein (SAURIERWELT Paläontologisches Museum, Neumarkt, Germany)
Mohamed Ouadia (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Shuzhong Shen (Nanjing University, China, Chairman of the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy)
Abdelkbir Hminna (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)

Congress Secretariat
Ichnological Association of Morocco
Faculty of Sciences, Chouaïb Doukkali University, 
Route Ben Maachou, B. P. 20, El Jadida, 24000, Morocco
Tel : 00212.523343003
Fax : 00212.523342187
icci2015@ucd.ac.ma/ icci2015@gmail.com

International Scientific Committee
Abdelouahed Lagnaoui (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Hafid Saber (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Jörg W. Schneider (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)
Sebastian Voigt (Urweltmuseum GEOSKOP, Thallichtenberg, Germany)
Hendrik Klein (SAURIERWELT Paläontologisches Museum, Neumarkt, Germany)
Abdelkbir Hminna (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Ralf Werneburg (Naturhistorisches Museum Schloss Bertholdsburg, Schleusingen, Germany)
Lida Xing (China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China) 
Martin Lockley (Dinosaur Trackers Research Group, University of Colorado, Denver, USA) 
Mohamed Ouadia (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Marco Avanzini (Museo Delle Scienze, Trento, Italy) 
Jesper Milàn (Geomuseum Faxe, Denmark)
Abouchouaïb Belahmira (Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco)
Matteo Belvedere (Museum für Naturkunde - Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
Christian A. Meyer (Natural History Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland)
Daniel Marty (Office de la culture, Paléontologie A16, Porrentruy 2, Switzerland)
Hesham Sallam (Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt)
Spencer G. Lucas (New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
Stephen Hasiotis (University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA)
Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki (Department of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)
Moussa Masrour (IbnZohr University, Agadir, Morocco)
Peter L. Falkingham (Veterinary College, London, UK)
Ronald R. McDowell (West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Virginia, USA)
Veronica Krapovickas(National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Félix Pérez-Lorente (Universidad de La Rioja, La Rioja, Spain)
Ignacio Díaz-Martínez (Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain)
Shinobu Ishigaki (Hayashibara Museum of Natural Sciences, Okayama-shi, Japan)
Paolo Mietto (University of Padova, Veneto, Italy)

Keynote Speakers 
The Organizing Committee will invite prominent scholars to deliver keynote lectures on ichnology. Confirmed keynote speakers will be regularly updatedin the second circular.

The “First International Congress on Continental Ichnology” [ICCI] will be held in El Jadida city, an attractive and easily accessible city in central western Morocco, at the Faculty of Sciences, Chouaïb Doukkali University from 20 to 27April 2015.

Post-Congress Field-Excursion
Post-Congress Field-Excursion in the Argana Basin (Western High Atlas, Morocco) and surrounding area is proposed (4 days) and full details will appear in the second circular.

Workshop on photogrammetry, 3D Models on Ichnology, and other topics related to ichnology will be organized and details annouced in the second circular.

Provisional Dates
20-27 April 2015 (3 days Conferences - 4 days post-congress Excursion)

Registration fees
Registration fees Deadline Cost (Euros)
Normal full registration 1st October 2014 200
Accompanying person registration 150
Early student registration 50
Normal field-excursion registration 400
Late full registration 1st February 2015 300
Late student registration 70
Late field-excursion registration 450
On site full registration 20th April 2015 400
On site student registration 100
On site accompanying person registration 250
On site excursion registration 500

Congress registration fees will cover costs of reception, coffee/tea breaks and lunch during the scientific sessions, conference materials, half-day mid-congress excursion or city tour. Post-congress field-excursion fees will cover costs of transportation, accommodation, meals, and guidebook. Participants are required to pay registration fees by bank transfer before February 1, 2015 (The bank address will be posted soon in the second circular). After this date, it will be possible to pay the registration fees at the congress registration desk with a supplementary surcharge.

Abstract / publications submission 
Abstracts will be accepted for oral or poster presentation. Please indicate your preference when submitting. Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail as an attached file in Word format to the congress secretariat at the following e-mail addresses: (icci2015@ucd.ac.ma / icci2015@gmail.com). The deadline for abstract submission is January 10, 2015. Acceptance will be decided by the end of January 2015. The official language of the congress will be English. All peer-reviewed submissions will be published, in an abstract-volume, by the Arabian Journal of Earth Sciences.
Abstracts are limited to one A4‐size page, text including figures or tables. Top, bottom, left, and right margins 25 mm. 
Title : Upper and lower case, left justified, Times font, 14 pt bold.
Contributors’ names : Upper and lower case, left justified, first name first, surname last, Times font, 11 pt. 
Affiliation : Upper and lower case, left justified, Times font, 11 pt. Numbered superscripts should be used to indicate the affiliation of each contributor. E-mail address can be added in parentheses at the end of the corresponding contributor’s affiliation. 
Main text : Single‐spaced text, Times 12pt font, no section headings.

Additional to the abstract-volume, a Congress-volume including (peer-reviewed) extended abstracts and further short related contributions (10 to 20 print-pages; for more extended contributions contact A. L.) will be published in the Arabian Journal of Earth Sciences after the congress. Contributions to this Congress-volume should be submitted electronically until July, 31st, 2015 to
icci2015@ucd.ac.ma / icci2015@gmail.com
For instruction for authors consult the journal website at :
Important Dates
Opening of online registration May 1, 2014
Abstract submission deadline January 10, 2015
Early registration deadline October 1, 2014
Registration deadline February 1, 2015
Decision on abstracts January 31, 2015
Deadline for payment of fees by bank transfer February 1, 2015
On site registration April 20, 2015
Opening ceremony April 21, 2015

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